Custom view – is an possibility to operate and display the most actual and demanded by players content of sports events on monitors of the betting club
Display of sports events became the most convenient for players with functionality of Custom view of Rub90: it is possible to choose a sample and a mode of events display, the background image, to change a text size (the cashier or the administrator type-in the settings). All this stimulates players to bet more and increases the game activity, and consequently, the income of the betting shop.
The maximum convenience for players which provides by the Custom view, works for keeping old and involvement of new players.
Custom view includes:
1. Sample selection
Besides the standard options of orientation – horizontal and vertical, it is possible to divide the monitor on two parts: vertical across, horizontal vertically. These settings allow using the optimum number of monitors in the betting club.
2. Mode selection
Live overview – is display thesorted list of all sports eventsand their optimum allocation on all monitors of the betting club.
Live event view – is display single specific sport event with occupied odds at the request of players or in an automatic mode.
Thanks to these settings it is possible to effectively satisfy the needs of players, providing convenience of popular events tracking and as a result, to increase the gaming activity.
3. Selection of the background image
Control of monitor background to any sports tournament or any event, for example the World Cups or Olympic Games is available. This option enables to adapt the monitor for an event which is actually and interested to the players.
4. Change option of the text sizes
The demanded solution, both for large, and for small zones of club or VIP halls. Now the size of the monitor diagonal and viewing distance isn't basic - change the scale of displayed information on monitors, by reference to your requirements and position of monitors.