Do you accept bets on betting games in your betting shop? Are you concerned about the question of legality of this product? Betting Games of Rub90 are legal!
There is considerable demand among players for such kind of betting product as betting games. That's why bookies are interested in the issue of legality of using this product in betting shops and accepting bets on games such as Poker, Keno, greyhound racing, horse racing, etc.
Federal Law № 222-FZ, which came into force in August 2014, forbade bookies to accept bets on results of gambling, lotteries and currency fluctuations, which made the issue of legality of betting games even more relevant.
Rub90 offers completely legitimate betting games!
Betting games based on betting platform of Rub90 are legal and comply with the current legislation of Russian Federation. From a legal standpoint, Betting Games of Rub90 are absolutely legal!
Partners of Rub90 can receive the full text of legal justification about quick games from partners-licensees.
With respect to the betting business, Rub90 Company
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