Meet the updated and expanded section "Legislation" on the site rub90.ru.
Just one law can change the organization of the betting business dramatically. Therefore it is vitally important to follow the latest news though it is a very complicated task. Now you do not need to waste your time searching and selecting necessary information. We already did it for you!
The legal department of the Rub90 Company regularly monitors and records changes in the Russian and Ukrainian gaming legislation.
From now on this information is accessible to all visitors of the site rub90.ru in the section "Legislation":
The legal articles
Reviewing the articles revealing important legal aspects of the betting business you will learn how to conduct betting business legally.
Monitoring the legislation
The section includes current information on the latest Government initiatives and changes in the Russian and Ukrainian betting legislation.
The section includes texts of laws and regulations addressing gaming business of the Russian Federation.
Comments of the lawyers
Our legal department especially for Rub90’s partners has written comments to the existing betting legislation.
With respect to the betting business, Rub90 Company
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