Leonid Obozny, the President of the First Gaming (Rub90) will take part in the celebration the first professional holiday for bookies in Russia, Betting Organizers Day.
June 28 2015 leading representatives of the betting market and pari-mutuels will meet together for the celebration in the Central Moscow Hippodrome.
Leonid Obozny who will participate in this event as an expert, has endorsed the idea of this holiday because besides its business component, substantive and constructive communication between representatives of the gaming industry, Betting Organizers Day is intended to start developing of the sweepstakes.
Horserace betting is one of the most demanded type of bets in Europe and some orient countries. The culture of the horserace is underdeveloped in Russia but it has high potential. It is a dynamic, interesting and breath-taking sport that is very likely to top the sweepstakes list.
By improving the event intensity it can become a breath of fresh air for the today’s Russian punters and bookies.
This holiday was organized by the Self-regulated organization of pari-mutuel and is intended to become a platform for uniting this industry’s professionals and creating new contacts and projects for the betting industry.
Pari-mutuel and Betting Prize drawing with the RUB200k prize pool is supposed to be hold among the participant of the heat, dedicated to the celebration of Betting Organizers Day. The horseman show is claimed to be brightest act of the program. It is planned that the festival will become an annual event.
With respect to the betting business, Rub90 Company
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