On 06.02.2014 the Decree “On approval of the rules of registration of the gambling participants in the betting shops betting on official sport events and the rules of reporting to the Federal Tax Service on the gambling participants in the betting shops betting on official sport events” will come into force.
The Decree establishes the rules of registration of the players in the betting shops and the rules of reporting the data on registration to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.
Recording the players
Bookmakers are obligated to keep records on the players recording personal data and bets to the database. The relevant data is added to the database with every accepted bet.
The formal registration of the players in betting club must be conducted in the following form:
The boxes 1-4 must be filled only one time. The boxes 5-7 have to be filled for every bet. The boxes 8-9 must be filled for winnings.
Bookmakers are obligated to keep data in the Processing Centre of the betting club not less than 5 years starting with the day of the registration in the database. The bookmakers determine the storage independently. The main criteria include the relevance of the database, its safety and the possibility to recover data if lost.
Reporting to the Federal Tax Service
On December 31 annually collected data should be provided in electronic form to the Federal Tax Service no later than within 30 days after the end of the reporting year. The reporting form is similar to the recording form. To ensure the data format compatibility bookmakers must use electronic signature and the system of the common protocols of the telecommunication networks and formats of electronic documents and data.
With respect to the betting business, Rub90 Company
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