Are you sure that your betting shop brings maximum profit? Do administrators use all available services to increase efficiency?
Do cashiers are aware enough of the industry and the product in order to work quickly and to avoid mistakes?
We will change the way you think about business, and you will not hesitate to answer "yes" to all these questions.
Exclusively for partners of Rub90 we open a training center which will train betting business owners, managers and cashiers of a betting shop. You will learn how to use simple steps to increase profits of betting shop 2-3 times!
Time is money!
Only 3 hours a day during 3 days - this period might become the most effective investment in your business. You will learn practical suggestions and expert opinion, based on years of experience in the gaming industry. Learn all possibilities of betting product which affect profit. Participate in discussions of specific cases.
Your personnel will receive all the necessary knowledge to work effectively. On the first training day, we define the level of preparation of your cashiers and administrators. This allows you to pay special attention to weaknesses, and do not waste time on points known to all those who present.
Training course "Betting shop from A to Z"
We offer two training programs. First one is for owners and managers of betting shops. Second is for cashiers. Both programs last for 3 days, about 3 hours each day. Lectures are accompanied by clear examples. Special attention is paid to practical exercises.
With respect to the betting business, Rub90 Company
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